Wednesday, 31 March 2010

House (not) Moving Saga continues ...

Things are getting fraught. We could lose Nice Couple 2. They are threatening to withdraw from the sale if they don't get a commitment about a date of our vacating. And then last night we saw two houses. The first was hilarious. The woman apologised for the smell of baking as she told us she likes to bake bread every day. Alex sneaked a look in the oven (cheeky) and apparently it was just par baked ciabatta. There was so little out of place in the kitchen it was clear that the bread had not been made from scratch. Then above her bed was this enormous photograph of the lady of the house posing in a reclining position. Puhlease. What are people like?

The second house could be the one tho'. But it's very big for just the two of us and Blue. And it's a whole 25% more than we intended spending. However, it's a house full of character....and space. My head has been done in with figures. Today has been a round robin of a day between e-mails and phone calls. And what of Aggi's house which is still our number one (certainly on cost and on size). So I dropped her a text. Oh, blow me - I am worn out. And we are heading off to Wales for the Easter weekend and the old country for a couple of weeks after that. Would be nice to have arrived at some sort of decision rather than this limbo. Yikes.

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