It seems the heavy hitters from both camps of Labour and Conservative are agreed on one thing. They have to stop the roll of Nick Clegg in advance of tonight's big election debate. The papers are full of inane revelations about Clegg as they have searched around the cupboards to see what they can drag out. We know they are seriously rattled when they have to look back to utterances made in a more youthful past, the price he paid for his Putney house and how much its value has gone up by.
It's been a full week since the airspace was closed over these islands and I have yet to see even a speckle of volcanic ash near the Piccadilly Line. Adonis the Greek has admitted they may have got it wrong by closing down the airspace so comprehensively and for so long. Walsh, the Irishman who runs Britain's favourite airline has suggested that airlines themselves should judge whether its safe to fly. Less government regulation would keep the skies open for business. Hmm. Isn't that what the city said to New Labour all those moons ago?
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