But on checking the address of the pub where the session was Alex discovered that the session finished its run the previous Saturday. Undeterred, we decided to go to a different corner of London to catch the movie and before long we were strolling down Upper Street, window shopping and eyeing the plethora of restaurants for later.

We elected to go the market pub in Camden Passage to plan the rest of our anniversary. We discussed cuisine and we both leant towards European as we watched the stall holders pack up. French or Italian Alex asked. I don’t mind. Then we discussed the status of Turkey. Is it European or Asian we debated stroking our chins. I know if George was with us the matter would have been cleared up in a flash. But by that stage he was tucked up at home penning an article for his local community news vis a vis the state of play regarding the clock tower. So we agreed to head to the The Mercury and as backup we would try Gallipoli At this stage backups were becoming essential. So we wrapped up and headed off into the chilly night in search of food. On our way to the Mercury we came upon a little Italian up a side street, took a chance and we got a table. Easy peasy.
It was a lovely anniversary. It was in fact the first one we celebrated in our six years together. It’s worthwhile taking the time out to mark these occasions.
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