Thursday 15 July 2010

Moving out and moving on

That Alex and me are still smiling after loading this lot up is amazing. There was much coming and going, lifting and toting, not to mention pushing and shoving. The hardest thing, we both agreed was removing the two sofas. So happy that we pulled that off and did not have to ring for help. This is the last blog from the cottage. We had some great times here as well as some great fights. But we are still together. Alex is understandably emotional as this was the first home she owned alone. Her blow at independence, her place in the world. But ever onwards and upwards as we move ten minutes around the corner. So adieu from the Piccadilly Line for a while - it now has to get unloaded at the other side xxx

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Packed up

Alex and me been packing for the best part of a month now. Well, to be fair, Alex has done the most of it. So here I sit tonight surrounded by all our worldly chattels which we have to load up tomorrow in the truck. As I blog, Alex packs. There's a crash. I raise my eyebrows. Just cutlery being flung in another box. I promised to carry her over the threshold when we get to the new house on Friday. Too damn right she says.

Christmas in the middle of the summer

I went to the old country for the weekend to catch up with BF’s two daughters who were home. One had flown in from New Zealand and the other from Vancouver. It does not seem that long ago since they were two wee tots sitting all squeaky clean after a bath in their pajamas on the one easy chair, their pink faces encasing eyes full of expectation. I came in behind them and gave each of them a selection box. The boxes were slightly different and had a few cut out games and gizmos with them. Well, if I had given them an ounce of gold along with a handful of emeralds, they could not have been more excited. Their eyes opened wide as saucers as they scampered off to different places in the house to examine their treasure. Then, when calmer, they compared their respective booty and munched their way through the chocolate. Now look at them - they are beautiful, accomplished women. Where did the time go? It was more than lovely to hear their stories, see them looking so good and to see BF looking so happy.

Monday 5 July 2010

Kitchens & Bathrooms

We made great progress this weekend. We have sorted the kitchen, worktop, door handles, appliances, bath, bathroom pottery, taps, flooring upastairs and flooring downstairs for the new house. So a lot was done. We also fitted in the annual International Evening at Alex's school which had good music, food and everyone in good humour. We met a newly elected councillor there who looked all of 16 mind you, and her knowledge about a local issue I raised with her was very impressive. It's great to see younger people being informed and engaging with politics. So there's hope yet. We even managed a picnic by Kenwood House in Hampstead Heath. Rufus Wainwright was performing in the Summer Season. Perfect evening - great to see my old friend Brid. And we bagged a parking space right by the gate. Could life be more perfect?

So when Alex said you won't forget to ring the builder and tell him what we want before she left this morning, I was gripped by mild panic. What we want, I asked, through my waking up. Yes she said - the kitchen, the cabinets, the worktop, the bath, the basin .... the taps. Taps, I shrieked. Oh mother of god. The house move will be in just under two weeks and we are moving in to a project. It has to be rewired, central heating installed, new kitchen, new bathroom, walls stripped of wall paper and painted and ceilings, carpets lifted and new flooring installed. And I can't remember a damn thing, fittings wise, we agreed upon.

PS. Blue is fully recovered - she really enjoyed her trip to Hampstead Heath on Saturday and was enraptured with Rufus

Thursday 1 July 2010

Blue - out of sorts

Poor Blue. She has been really out of sorts since we got her speyed two days ago. Clingy, sad looking and a bit stiff. I hope we've done the right thing. My BF skyped yesterday to check how she was and said that she when her kids were ill, she got the chance to really mother them. I know what she means. We just want to make her better. Get well soon, Blossom ...